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GD BOX inc.,


was astonished by the results of the research of the relative quantity of bacteria by location.‘Prologue’School (shelf) < home (bathroom) < office (desk)Did you Knew that ?The Toothbrush, A wet and in the air can be a breedingground for germs. So I was designed the second dentalhygiene device with AHN in KOREAUsing Myles* Toothbrush Sanitizer daily will keepyour toothbrush clean of bacteria that collects during theday and during brushing.The UV light kills 99.9% of germs on your toothbrush.After you brush, rinse your toothbrush,place it in the pocket on Myles* head, and push the button on his belly. Your toothbrush will beI will do my best, look to all these things,to keep yours happy & healthy